Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Vietnamese egg coffee is our all time favorite treat. When we visit Hanoi, we go to the original Cafe Giang and have multiple cups until we just cannot take anymore caffeine. It was originally created as an alternative to milk when they had a shortage. We hope you all get to experience this at the cafe one day, but in the mean time you can try out our recipe! We have been troubleshooting this for years and this is how we do it to get as close to Cafe Giang texture as possible. 

The traditional version is with the potent Vietnamese robusta brew but espresso will work well. You can even use the Cafe Du Monde brand to get a resemblance of the Vietnamese coffee flavor profile. Since this took off, they now offer egg matcha, cinnamon, mung bean, beer, rum, chocolate, etc. You can let your creativity come in if you want to try with different bases. 

Vietnamese Egg Matcha 

Egg Whip Ingredients:

4 egg yolks

1-1/2 tbs honey

2 tbs corn starch 

1/4 tsp vinegar vanilla extract 


1 tsp matcha powder (or a shot of espresso)

1. Place all of the egg whip ingredients in a short wide mouth mason jar (or any cup that can fit the hand whisk semi snuggly inside). If you use too big of a bowl it wont whip the egg as nicely unless you are making a huge batch and use a kitchen aid. 

2. Blend the egg whip for 5-6 minutes until it is thick and pillowy ribbons are form. This can be exhausting but stick with it! If you stop to early it want be as thick. 

3. Pour about 1/4 cup of water with 1/2 tsp of the matcha powder and mxi the base (or use espresso, rum, whatever you please as the base!)

4. Quickly after blending, pour the egg mixture over the base

5. Sprinkle the remaining 1/2 tsp of matcha over the top

6. You can stir it all up to enjoy, but we are pigs and like to keep the creamy topping in tact and drink the base when we finish! Or you can dip your spoon and get a little of the base pulled up with the creamy egg, this might be the best technique.

Vietnamese Egg Coffee
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