Sourdough and Vinegar

Truly a pair made in heaven. All bread is better eaten with a little vinegar. Not only is it delicious, but it helps mitigate that blood sugar spike and makes it more digestible.

We like to spread seasoned herbaceous vinegars on our sandwich bread like our Wild Oregano,  Black Magic, Rosemary Akulikuli, and of course our Ancient Roman Mustard is a must. 

Simple Bread Dip:

1 part any Sour Flower fruit vinegar

1 part olive oil

salt, pepper, chopped garlic, and herbs of your choice

Shannon's Ultra Moist Sourdough Flatbread:

He makes this bread every week to sample at the farmers markets for customer's to dip in the vinegar. And lucky friends and neighbors will get a few whole slabs of it when we have extra! This recipe is semi advanced, but worth learning the steps and making yourself. 

500 g wet starter

500 g dry starter

100 g pre gel

15 g salt

320 g bread flour 

1. Mix at high until dough is lifting off the bowl 

2. Add 100 g of water and mix again until the dough is lifting off the bowl

3. Rest dough for 20 min

4. Transfer to a parchment and olive oil lined baking pan and let proof for 4-5 hours

5. Dimple the proofed dough with your fingers and drizzle olive oil and dimple it again

6. Bake at 550F periodically adding steam to your oven (this can be accomplished with ice cubes) until golden brown - Mac nut mayo and vinegar beet sandwich - Sourdough pesto chicken sandwich -Sourdough flat bread burger with Wild Oregano and Black Magic

Sourdough and Vinegar
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